Bangkok Diaries offers Thailand and Cannabis related royalty free images generated via AI as a free service. That said, hosting and bandwidth aren’t free so we ask people to do one of two things if they want to use our images:
- Include an attribution to Bangkok Diaries
- Make a donation of your choosing to help us pay the costs of hosting the images and the cost of AI subscriptions to generate the images
In reality, it’s the honor system. If you decide to go ninja and use our images without a nod or a dime, we’re not going to turn into internet detectives hunting you down. That’s just not our jam. We’re in the business of creating and sharing, not policing.
We whip up these images for other projects and sometimes end up with a bunch that are too good not to share. And while we’re not exactly throwing a free-for-all party, we get it – the internet’s a wild place where sharing is caring, but credit is still a gem.
We’re crossing our fingers and toes, hoping there are enough kind souls out there who don’t mind giving a shoutout or have the means to support our creative cause.
If you would like to donate, we have the following options:
This is our Bitcoin wallet. If you want to make a donation via Bitcoin, either scan the QR code or use our wallet address to send whatever you feel comfortable with.
Bitcoin Wallet: 3GPVsxKia4VdCzZRGfDziwsFgDxkaBS4PF

This is our Ethereum wallet. You can donate via Ethereum by either scanning the QR code or using our wallet address.
Ethereum Wallet: 0xAE4295504E7789b9Ef4d43C3dC53cd47EaAb4B8f